
What is Needed for Website and Email Services and Backup

By |3 August 2021|Web Hosting, WordPress|

4 services are required website and email services to work: 1. A registered domain name 2. Domain name service (DNS) 3. Email service (often cloud based eg Microsoft 365 or Google Gsuite) 4. Website 1. Domain Name The domain name .com.au is registered every 2 years.  Under Auda rules .com.au domain names must be a 'close and substantial connection' to ...

Securing Your WordPress Site

By |22 February 2021|Web Hosting, WordPress|

WordFence and Cerber Tips for Securing Wordpress Security is not a single event it's a process that needs to be reviewed regularly, keep all core Wordpress updates, theme and plugins up to date Use a reputable host that separates web hosting accounts. Get plugins and themes from a reputable source Passwords need to be complex, lowercase, uppercase, numbers and symbols.  ...

How to move WordPress from One Domain to Another Domain

By |4 January 2019|Web Hosting, WordPress|

Wordpress has two parts the files and the database. 1. To backup the Wordpress files go to your host, use Cpanel and go to File Manager usually in the public_html directory is the root of your site and select all files, right click to compress into a .zip file. 2. Then download the .zip file via File Manager.  Filemanager in ...

18 Recommended WordPress Plugins

By |1 October 2017|Internet tools, WordPress|

Tried and tested WordPress plugins. A note on performance, to enable compression go to cPanel / Optimise Website and enable compression for all content.  Test this with Google Page Speed to see if it's effective in improving performance for your site. The main tasks you want your Wordpress site to do security, backup, performance, content management, organisation and SEO, measure ...

WordPress Setup on Plesk

By |8 September 2013|WordPress|

I don’t do this frequently enough to remember the steps of how to setup a new Word Press site: - Setup domain on Plesk with PHP enabled - Setup FTP for domain - Upload latest wordpress version to site - Update myphpadmin with new user and create database with same user with privledges at same time (on local host) - ...

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