Matthew L

Key Investment Ratios and Ideal Ranges

By |26 June 2024|Investment|

Efficiency Ratios Ratio Formula Explanation Ideal Range Inventory Turnover Cost of Goods Sold / Average Inventory Measures how many times a company's inventory is sold and replaced over a period Varies Asset Turnover Sales / Total Assets Measures a firm's efficiency at using its assets in generating sales or revenue Varies Liquidity Ratios Ratio Formula Explanation Ideal Range Current Ratio ...

GA4 and GA3 UTM Tracking Code Setup and Reporting

By |19 June 2023|Analytics|

In April 2005, Urchin was acquired by Google and relaunched as Google Analytics.  The UTM tracking (Urchin Tracking Module) and the UTM parameters can tell you how visitors got to your site, from which campaigns, and by what methods. What are some example 'sources' typically used with utm tracking for Google Analytics The utm_source parameter is used to indicate the specific website ...

Superannuation Co-contribution and Kids Working in Australia

By |29 December 2021|Investment|

Superannuation co-contribution scheme for low income earners (under about $56k/year) is paid automatically into your super account as long as the super account has your tax file number.  Deposit $1000 into your super account and the government will top it up with $500 or a total of $1,500.  $1,500 deposited per year at 7% per annum over 10 years will ...

Peter Morgan previously from 452 Capital

By |28 December 2021|Investment|

Peters interview on Livewire markets was great. What Peter looks for in a business to invest in (as a former Chartered Accountant): Good balance sheet with low debt. Companies tend to overstate balance sheets now and talk regularly to the market, 20 years ago they tended to understate assets and not talk to the market.  This could be a result ...

What is Needed for Website and Email Services and Backup

By |3 August 2021|Web Hosting, WordPress|

4 services are required website and email services to work: 1. A registered domain name 2. Domain name service (DNS) 3. Email service (often cloud based eg Microsoft 365 or Google Gsuite) 4. Website 1. Domain Name The domain name is registered every 2 years.  Under Auda rules domain names must be a 'close and substantial connection' to ...

Language SEO

By |20 May 2021|Search Marketing SEO SEM|

A good WordPress language translator as recommend by Neil Patel is Transposh the plugin is about 5 years old and has many revisions Mandarin and Spanish are the worlds most popular languages with English 3rd Getting the new pages into your sitemap French version /fr/ Hindi version /hi/ Example language SEO from header on the arabic version - notice ...

How to withdraw or sell your shares from Upstreet

By |11 May 2021|Retail|

The new 'cash rewards' type of promotion from invests the proceeds of the rewards made from making retail purchases in shares for you rather than giving you cash back. Looking at the links from Upstreet to the merchants involved, it seems to be affiliate sales with a twist. The twist being the rewards are invested for your rather ...

Checklist to Improve Google Ads Performance

By |11 March 2021|PPC|

1. Link Google Analytics to Ads Account We recommend you link your Google Ads account to Google Analytics. This allows more in-depth analysis of your performance. It provides you a fuller picture of how customers are interacting with your business. Ultimately, you get more opportunities for improving your campaigns. 2. Enable Re-targeting When visitors land on your website but don’t ...

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